Balaganapathi Devarakonda

Professor, Department of Philosophy
University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA
E-mail: bdevarakonda[at]
Balaganapathi Devarakonda is a Professor of Philosophy at Delhi University, Delhi, India, and the Founder-Director of the Philosophical Practitioners Association of India (PPAI). He was the Indian Council of Cultural Relations' Chair of Indology and Gandhian Studies at the University of West Indies, Jamaica (2022-24). Prof. Bala is a Certified Philosophical Counselor by the American Philosophy Practitioners Association (APPA) in New York and serves as a board member of their International Faculty. Additionally, he is a Project Fellow on the "Great Transition in India: A Korean Perspective on Indian Studies" project at the Institute of Indian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea (2021-2024). His numerous publications span the areas of the historiography of Indian Philosophy, Philosophical Practices, Peace Studies, Early Buddhism, AI and Society, and the Study of Classical Indian texts, with a specific focus on self and consciousness. He serves the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington DC, as the Regional Coordinator (India) since 2019. Prof. Bala is also associated with the editorial boards of various journals, including Religions, the Indian Philosophical Quarterly (2024-2027), the Journal of Human Values (Sage journals, 2021 onwards), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (Taylor & Francis, 2022 onwards), Journal of Foundational Research, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (2020 – till date), and the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (Springer during 2016-2019).