Cholpon Erikovna Alieva

Department of Humanities, Social and Economic Disciplines, "Ala-Too" International University, Ankara 1/8, "Tunguch," 720048, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
tel +(996) 772-253-565, e-mail: alievach[at]
Cholpon Erikovna Alieva - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor and Head of the Department of Humanities, Social and Economic Disciplines, "Ala-Too" International University. She studied comparative philosophy at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (1990-2005), University of Minnesota, United States (1998-1999), and University of Padua, Italy (2014-2015). Her two monographs on comparative philosophy were published in Bishkek (2000) and St. Petersburg (2004).
Since 2013, as the regional director of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (USA), she has coordinated the research work of the Central Asian group of scholars on intercultural dialogue. Cholpon E. Alieva teaches philosophy and social sciences to undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students of various fields. She is currently studying the nomadic philosophy and culture of Central Asia.