Ivan Kolev

Department of Philosophy
Sofia University Saint Kliment Ohridski
15, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria.
e-mail: ivangkolev[at]gmail.com; ivankolev.bulgaria@gmail.com
Dr. Ivan Kolev is an Associate Professor at Sofia University Saint Kliment Ohridski, where he teaches philosophical anthropology, philosophy of art and metaphysics. Since 2015 he has been head of the Department of Philosophy there, which is also the head office of the Secretariat of the International Philosophy Olympiad. He was the initiator of the Philosophy Olympiad in Bulgaria (1988) and one of the founders of the International Philosophy Olympiad in 1993. Since then he has helped organize 30 National Philosophy Olympiads and 26 International Philosophy Olympiads. He has also significantly contributed to the introduction of philosophy in Bulgarian school education, after the political changes of 1989.
Dr. Kolev is an author of the monographs Philosophical Anthropology (2013) and Being and Habitation. A Philosophy of Architecture (2013). He is also author and co-author of more than twenty textbooks of philosophy and dozens of articles on philosophical anthropology and philosophy of art.