Ioanna Kuçuradi

Ahmet Rasim Sok. 8/2, Çankaya, 06550 Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: ioannakucuradi[at]
Ioanna Kuçuradi was born on October 4, 1936 in Istanbul, Turkey.
She studied at: Zapeion Greek Gymnasium for Girls, Istanbul (graduated in 1954), Istanbul University, Department of Philosophy (graduated in 1959), Istanbul University, Department of Philosophy (Ph. D. 1965).
She has occupied the following academic positions: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Istanbul University (1959-1961), Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Atatürk University, Erzurum (1965-1968), Lecturer, Department of Education, Hacettepe University, Ankara (1968-1969), Founder and Head of the Department of Philosophy, Hacettepe University (1969- 2003), Associate Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Hacettepe University (1970-1978), Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Hacettepe University (1978), Founding Director of the Centre for Research and Application of the Philosophy of Human Rights, Hacettepe University (1997-2005), Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Maltepe University (since 2006), Director of the Centre for Research and Application of Human Rights, Maltepe University (since 2006), Holder of a UNESCO Chair in Philosophy and Human Rights (since 1998).
Honors received by Prof. Ioanna Kuçuradi: Goethe-Medaille (1996), Doctor honoris causa, University of Crete (1996), Prize of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (1996), Hacettepe University Prize for Scientific Achievement (Academic Years 1994-1995 and 1995-1996), Doctor honoris causa, University Ricardo Palma, Lima (2000), Freedom of the Press 1999 Prize of the Journalists Association of Turkey (2000), Grosses Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2001), Honourable Mention, UNESCO Human Rights Education Prize (2002), Huésped Ilustra de la Ciudad de La Habana (2002), Mustafa N. Parlar Prize for Scientific Achievement (2003), UNESCO Aristotle Médaille (2003), Diyarbakır Medical Association’s Prize for Peace, Friendship and Democracy (2004), Council of Secular Humanism’s Planetary Humanist Philosopher’s Award (2005) etc., 60 Women Contributing to the 60 Years of UNESCO (2006), Prize of the Association for Ethics (2013), Prize for Contribution to Human Rights of TED Ankara College Foundation (2013), Prize for Strategic Vision of the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (2014), etc.
She is member of: Philosophical Society of Turkey (President, since 1979), Turkish Society for Social Sciences, Committee of Human Sciences, UNESCO National Commission of Turkey (1975-1997), Deutsches Kulturinstitut Ankara, International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP, member of the Steering Committee since 1983, Secretary General from 1988 to 1998, President from 1998 to 2003, Past-President from 2003 to 2008, Honorary President 2008→), Afro-Asian Philosophy Association (President, 2013→), Greek Philosophical Society (Athens, lifelong member), Institut international de philosophie (Paris, President, 2014→), Foundation for Economic and Social History in Turkey, High Advisory Council for Human Rights in Turkey (Chairperson, 1994-1996), International Academy of Humanism (New York), Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Bioéthique (Comité d'honneur, Bruxelles), Founding Member of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey; Chairperson of its Ethical Committee, National Committee of the World Decade for the Education of Human Rights (Chairperson, 1998-2005), Member of the National Advisory Council for Human Rights(2002-2005), Member of the International Children’s Center, Scientific Advisory Committee (Ankara), Philosophical Association of South-Eastern Europe (Honorary President, Sofia), European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (Observer of the Management Board, Vienna, 2004-2007), Member of the Board of Trustees, Koç University (Istanbul, 2004-), Member of the Board for Social Sciences and Humanities, TÜBİTAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, (Vice-president 2004-2008), Member of the International Commission Against Death Penalty (Madrid, 2010-), Member of the Experts Committee for Philosophy, National Commission for UNESCO of Turkey (2010- 2014), Member of the Expert Committee for Human Rights, National Commission for UNESCO of Turkey (2010- 2014), Honorary Member of PEN, Section of Turkey (2012-).