João Vila-Chã
School of Philosophy, Pont. Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Roma, Italia
Tel: +39 06 6701 1 E-mail: j.vila-cha[at]
I Studied Philosophy and Theology in Portugal (1982-1987), Germany (1987-1991) and the United States (1991-1997). I concluded my PhD. in Renaissance Philosophy at Boston College (USA) in 1998 with a Thesis on Leone Ebreo and the Intelligibility of Love. At Boston College, I taught in the Programs Philosophy of the Person (1992-1993) and Perspectives on Western Culture (1993-1996). From 1998-2008 I taught History of Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion at the Catholic University of Portugal and since 2008 I have been teaching Social and Political Philosophy at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, in Rome (Italy). I was Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (2000-2009) and served as member of the Editorial Board of journals such as Concilium (2012-2019), Síntese (Brasil), and Pensamiento (Spain). I acted as President of the European Association of Jesuit Professors of Philosophy (2002-2008) and of the Conférence Mondiale des Institutions Catholiques Universitaires de Philosophie (COMIUCAP, 2013-2024). Since 2011, I function as Vice-President of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (U.S.A.) and as Director of the Post-Graduate International Seminar that the same Council offers yearly to chosen Scholars from different parts of the world. I served as Member of University Senate of the Pontifical Gregorian University between 2010-2018 and again since the Fall of 2024. In 2017 I received the International Karl-Otto Apel Prize for Philosophy. During the World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing, China, I was elected Member of the Steering Committee of FISP–International Federation of Philosophical Societies (2018-). – For more information, please, access here.