Joseph A. Murphy

Philosophy and Ethics Department, Dwight-Englewood School, 315 East Palisade Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey 07631, USA.
Office Tel: (+1) 201-227-3265;
Email: MurphJ[at]; PhilosophyAPO[at]
Joe Murphy is Chair of the Philosophy and Ethics Department at Dwight-Englewood School (D-E) in New Jersey, USA. Since 2010 he has led the American Philosophy Olympiad, which is the American branch of the International Philosophy Olympiad. As a member of the American Philosophical Association, he is a member of the Pre-College Philosophy Committee. He is a member of the Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization. At the World Congress of Philosophy (WCP) in Beijing, China in 2018 he organized a Round Table on Pre-College Philosophy and at the WCP in Rome in 2024 he was a Co-chair of the Teaching Philosophy section of the congress. At the Dwight-Englewood School, Joe teaches Ethical Thinking I and II, Introduction to Philosophical Thinking, Ethics and Justice, Philosophy Around the World, and a two semester Honors course on the History of Philosophy, which is taught in Spanish. His primary interests are in Ethics and pre-college Philosophy. Selected publications include “La paradójica presencia creciente de la filosofia en los institutos en Estados Unidos” in Diálogo Filosófico 93 (Madrid, Spain 2015). “Once A Philosopher-In-Hiding: Teaching Philosophy in Spanish in the USA.” Intentional Disruption, Expanding Access to Philosophy. (Vernon Press 2021). “’Opinopathology’: Mere Opinion As A Form of Subjective Relativism. How Pre-University Philosophy Can Help” in Problems of Modern Education (a Russian Scientific journal 2022).