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Each member society of FISP that was in good standing at the WCP 2024 in Rome was eligible to send a nomination. Nominees are posted here in alphabetical order as they get in.

Prof. Heisook Kim

Nominated by the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh), the Red Española de Filosofía (REF) and the Korean Philosophical Association

Prof. Heisook Kim is a distinguished scholar who has authored many influential articles and books. Her research interests encompass epistemology and philosophical methodology, as well as the philosophy of art and feminist philosophy. 

She has served as President of the Korean Philosophical Association, the Korean Association of Feminist Philosophy, and the Korean Analytic Philosophy Association. 

Kim was awarded her PhD from the University of Chicago in 1987 and subsequently returned to Ewha to assume a professorship in philosophy, the roles of Dean of Scanton College, Director of the Ewha Institute for the Humanities, and Director of the Ewha Institute of Philosophy. She served as President of her alma mater, Ewha Womans University, from 2017 to 2021. 

She was elected as a member of the FISP Steering Committee at the WCP 2013 (Athens) and appointed by the Steering Committee as a member of the International Programme Committee of the 24th World Congress of Philosophy (Beijing 2018). 

Read Heisook Kim's statement here

Prof. Jacob Dahl Rendtorff

 Nominated by Filosofisk Forum, Denmark, the Danish Philosophical Society and the Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française

As President of FISP, we are sure that Rendtorff will make sure that the World Congress in Tokyo in 2028 will have a program of highest scientific quality. Rendtorff will fight for a pluralistic, interdisciplinary and problem-oriented concept of philosophy. Philosophy should engage in dialogue between East and West, North and South. All philosophy traditions are important in FISP.

This program includes the following priorities: 1. Wise and timely preparation of the Tokyo Congress. 2. Promotion of FISP events between world congresses 3. Better interaction with member societies 4. Democratization of decision-making in FISP 5. An updated and more useful website 6. A more efficient secretariat. 7. Increased activities of FISP CD-committees, including gender, ethics, human rights and history of philosophy. 8 Openness and transparency in preparation of the world congress. 9. Global support for philosophy. 

Rendtorff was member of FISP CD from 2008-2024, and Rendtorff has only missed one CD-meeting. Rendtorff has participated in 7 World Congresses since Brighton in 1988. Rendtorff is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, at Roskilde University, Denmark. Research fields include phenomenology and hermeneutics, ethics, business ethics, bioethics, ethical economy, political theory and philosophy of law. For information about his CV and publications:

Read JD Rendtorff's statement here

Prof. Jure Zovko

Nominated by the Institut International de Philosophie and the Association for the Promotion of the Philosophy of Federalism (BiH)

Born in Široki Brijeg (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1957), Jure Zovko studied German literature and philosophy of religion at the universities of Sarajevo (1978-1980) and Freiburg im Breisgau (M.A. 1985; Ph.D. in 1989). Professor for Ontology at the University of Zadar since 2000, he was guest professor in Vienna, Mainz, Tübingen, Münster, Sarajevo, and, currently, at Shanxi Normal University (Xi'an, 2019-2027).
He is coeditor of Hegel-Jahrbuch (Berlin) and Hegel-Forschungen (Berlin). Since 2010 he is chief editor of the journal „Distinctio”.
Member of many important philosophical associations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie, International Plato Society, Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft, Schlegel-Gesellschaft), he is above all titular member of the prestigious Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (Bruxelles) and our Institut International de Philosophie (Paris-Nancy), of which he was also President (2021-2024).
As far as his relation to FISP, he is member of the Steering Committee since 2018. In Mostar he organized the annual meeting of the Steering Committee (2024; topic: intercultural dialog). In April and May 2024, he gave lectures at 15 different Chinese universities in ten different cities, where he defended a philosophy of intercultural dialog. He believes that FISP plays an important role in promoting dialogue between nations and cultures, one of our greatest civilizational achievements. He believes that FISP should include philosophical associations from all over the world and that the Steering Committee should work towards a greater involvement of philosophy in the institutional spheres of social life and lifelong education.

Read Jure Zovko's statement here

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