Peter Jonkers

Tilburg University, School of Catholic Theology,
Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands
Private Tel: (+32) 473-848467
e-mail: p.h.a.i.jonkers[at]
Peter Jonkers (Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 1954) is an emeritus professor of philosophy at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. He studied philosophy in Leuven, Belgium (PhD in 1982 with a dissertation on Hegel’s Faith and Knowledge). He has published books and articles on Hegel and his contemporaries, religion in the public space, philosophy of culture, and wisdom.
He has been a member/chair of several evaluation panels for research in the humanities and for the accreditation of study programs in theology. He is editor in chief of TATTVA, Journal of Philosophy (Bangalore, India). He is a member of the Board of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy and a member of the Steering Committee of FISP since 2018.
For a complete CV and list of publications see: