Seon-Wook Kim

Department of Philosophy, Soongsil University
369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06978, Korea (South)
Tel: (+82) 2-820-0377 | Email: swk[at]
Seon-Wook Kim is a Professor of Philosophy at Soongsil University in Seoul and the Director of the Institute for Values and Ethics. He previously served Soogsil University as her Provost (2021-23). He also serves as the President of the Organizing Committee (2024-26) for the 8th World Humanities Forum, supported by the Korean Ministry of Education. Additionally, he is currently the President of the Korean Philosophical Association (2023-24) and previously served as its Secretary General (2017-19). During the same period, he was the Secretary General for the Korean Organizing Committee for the 21st World Congress of Philosophy. He also served as the President of the Korean Society for Hannah Arendt Studies (2017-23). Currently, he is engaged in studying and teaching contemporary political issues. He translated several of Hannah Arendt's works, including Eichmann in Jerusalem, The Crises of the Republic, The Promise of Politics, and Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, into Korean, and has written several books on her thought and other philosophical issues.