Wilhelm Danca

University of Bucharest
Str. Gen. Berthelot, 19, 010164 Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: wilhelm.danca[at]gmail.com
Wilhelm Danca (Bucharest, Romania, 1959) is an emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Bucharest.
After being trained in philosophy and theology in Iassy (Romania), and in anthropological philosophy and philosophy of religion at the Gregorian University in Rome, he has taught philosophy at the University “A. I. Cuza” of Iassy and at the University of Bucharest. He founded a journal of interdisciplinary and interdenominational studies (Dialog teologic) and he took over the editorship of other journals in the country.
He has published books and articles on anthropological philosophy, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion and on the dialogue between religion, philosophy and literature.
He is member of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (Washington D.C.) since 2008.
He is member of Romanian Accademy (Bucharest, Romania, since 2013) and of European Accademy of Science and Arts (Salzburg, Austria, since 2017).